The Avatar World – Zhang Jia Jie – Part 1
When i knew that one of James Cameron famous film „AVATAR“ shooting scene was in China a.k.a Zhang Jia Jie city, I swored that i will visit there too one day. Perjalanan ke Zhang Jia Jie tidak seperti perkiraan kita sebelumnya, kita mengawali China Road Trip kali ini di kota Chong Qing, alias kota kabut dan berencana naik kereta api dan bus ke kota selanjutnya di Feng Huang, yang juga terkenal sebagai kota tertua di Tiongkok sebelum menuju ke Zhang Jia Jie, tapi apa mau dikata ternyata tiket kereta api uda ludes terjual dan ga ada opsi untuk naik bus ke Feng Huang, akhirnya kita beralih ke jalur air, alias…
Hotel, Hostel or Private Room?
Guess which hotel that i choosed to stay? Front building or behind it? I’m not born as a backpacker, I started my travelling carrier around 6 years a go, which is also because my soulmate introduce me into it. I never travelled anywhere until i was 24 years old, crazy isn’t? Not even exploring own country, since i only spend most my time with work and go back home. 2008 is the years that turn my life upside down, since i knew him, i become curious with this world, the beauty of the others countries that never run into my head before, which make me decided to make my first…
Suka Duka Hidup di Luar Negeri
“Hidup di luar negeri enak ya!”, “Jiahhh yang tinggal di LN, traktir dong!”, “Say, kalo pulkam titip dong Branded Bag!”, “Ehhh, Jangan lupa traktir yo.. itu loh di restoran jepang bintang seribu…” Pernah ga sih teman teman dapat sapaan kek gitu saat ngobrol sama teman or kenalan kita saat mereka tahu kita saat ini tinggal di luar negeri? Aku sering 🙂 Yah, ga bisa disalahkan memang, apalagi saat mereka tahu suami aku “bule” jadinya pemikiran mereka langsung ke arah “bule punya duit banyak, dia hidupnya enak di luar negeri” Phuffff.. mengalahkan statement ini memang susah! Apa mau dikata, di Indonesia sudah terlajur kena stempel bagi wanita yang menikah dengan “Bule”.…
Snap Shot in Bayern
Some of my shoot during my Bayern trip, not the best but i love the view. Would love to visit the Alpen once again, is a nice summer moment there.
A view to my Disney castle
Ok, let me introduce this beautiful place 🙂 Here in Germany we called it „Schloss Neuschwanstein“ or Neuschwanstein Castle. This Castle was build by King Ludwig II from the ruin from old castle of Hohenschwangau . This Castle embodies both the contemporaneous architectural fashion known as castle romanticism 🙂 Long time a go before i moved to Germany, i ever read about this castle in one of Indonesian Magazine and i was directly in love 🙂 But since we lived in north of Germany, is not so easy to get to the south side where this castle is. My husband know this is my dream of the disney castle, where…